Recently as I was putting the finishing touches on our CBMC Northland Year End Update Letter, my computer and phone began dinging and beeping; during this back and forth texting conversation with CBMC Northland leaders Don Hoffert, Seth Neistadt, David Carlson, and Scott Ward, Don reminded us of the story from the book of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem. This morning I re-read that story and it’s interesting to see the many parallels with what is taking place right now with CBMC Northland and our Vision 220 Cities By 2022. Maybe it’s a story that will give you some direction going into 2019? Nehemiah saw the city of Jerusalem where his ancestors had lived was ripe for some upgrades. God put a burden/vision/solution on his heart and Nehemiah was obedient in taking next steps following a roadmap to excellence which included: 1. Before sharing what was on his heart with anyone else, he prayed extensively (Nehemiah 1:4 and 2:12) 2. Eventually sharing the burden/vision/solution with his boss- the king, to gain his support for rebuilding the wall (Nehemiah 2:5) 3. Nehemiah realized he couldn’t do this alone, it would require many volunteers from the community. He then began by sharing the vision with a small group of key leaders/champions (Nehemiah 2:12) 4. The Lord inspired those key leaders to move quickly (Nehemiah 2:18) 5. As could be expected, some doubt crept in. Not wavering, Nehemiah and his team knew they had an assignment from the Lord and were not going to let anything stop them from succeeding (Nehemiah 2:20) Let me shift gears for a moment. Last spring, Matt Foster (CBMC Northland Area Leadership Team member), was given a vision of selling out the St. Cloud Convention Center for our 40th Annual CBMC Central Minnesota Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. As a result of much prayer, planning, and work by a team of committed volunteers- all very similar to steps 1 through 5 above- Matt has now reported that we expect a complete sellout crowd of over 1,000 people next Wednesday morning to hear a clear gospel message and invite to follow Jesus from our keynote speaker Duck Dynasty star Uncle Si Robertson. Additionally, there will be an evening event with 600 more attendees. One more gear shift. It was about this time 24 months ago that God first laid a burden/vision/solution on the hearts of our CBMC Northland Area Leadership Team: The Why and What- There are 12 million people that live in Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota. Many of those people don’t have a personal walk with Jesus. CBMC peer groups, discipling relationships, targeted events and lifestyle evangelism draw people closer to Jesus. The vision is to launch new business leader peer advisory teams within a half hour drive of all major cities in the Northland. What a journey it’s been watching our team’s strategy develop over the past several months. Like Nehemiah and the wall- we started with prayer, gained support from our Area Leadership Team, watched The Lord draw in laborers (Scott, David, Seth among others), and now despite some speed bumps along the way, we are developing relationships with key people in these new communities which will ultimately lead to teams forming, discipleship taking place, and gospel centered events with decisions for Christ. The cycle will continue. As you begin to look ahead to 2019, what burden/vision/solution might The Lord put on your heart? I’d encourage you to develop your own roadmap to excellence to see that vision come to fruition for His glory and your joy.

Alan Smith CBMC Northland Area Staff