Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”~John 13:7
Déjà is a French term describing the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. Déjà vu is a feeling of familiarity and déjà vécu (the feeling of having "already lived through" something) is a feeling of recollection. ~ Wikipedia
When was the last time you had one of those feelings?
Maybe the feeling as Wikipedia describes Déjà vu or maybe an heightened awareness of several things coming together at once that one would have hoped for, had visions of, or dreamt about.
By the grace of God, I’m blessed to have these happen pretty frequently and yesterday was one of those days when I had a front row seat watching 2 CBMC worlds merge into one when the CBMC Northland “David’s Mighty Men” team met up with the Fall 2018 Leadership Institute Facilitator training workshop attendees.
World #1- One of the several CBMC teams that I am part of is “David’s Mighty Men”. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month 11:30am at the Sheraton Ridgedale in Minnetonka.
What a blessing for the 6-10 guys that meet in this group as they reminisce, laugh and reflect on God’s goodness and sovereignty over the years in using CBMC Northland to reach business men for Christ.
Even though I’m a grandpa myself, I’m the baby of the group. On average I’d guess that our Mighty Men have been part of CBMC for 30 years.
World #2- To date 123 men have been trained as Trusted Advisor Team Facilitators by CBMC Northland Leadership Institute Area Director Don Hoffert over the past 3 years. Men from around the country participate in this 2 day training. The annual spring and fall sessions happen to always fall on the same day and at the same location as where the Mighty Men meet.
It’s become a tradition to have the Mighty Men stop by the Facilitator trainees to say hi during the lunch break. It’s always inspiring for the Mighty Men to see how their generosity for the ministry over the years is paying off- and not only in this area. Northland is being used to influence other CBMC areas around the world.
One of the primary purposes of The David’s Mighty Men group is to commit to major financial support for CBMC Northland.
Without the men that have come before us in the Northland area beginning in 1939, we wouldn’t be in this position today.
For that I and many others are eternally grateful.
The time, financial investment and leadership of CBMC’ers is paying eternal dividends; fruit that will last.
It’s important to look back at where we’ve been with gratitude and joy. It's with this reflection that we are able to gain clarity about how God was at work culminating with today's activities.
With that said, I encourage you to believe with me that the best days for CBMC are yet to come!
With Vision 220 locally and Vision 650 nationally, we are at just the tip of the spear as God uses you and CBMC to penetrate the hearts of many for His glory.
Thank you for being an important part of His plan!

Alan Smith CBMC Northland Area Staff