“We’re just a bunch of long bearded old men that like to have fun, hunt and run a business making duck calls. We weren’t lookin’ for any of this. God made it all happen.”~ Uncle Si Robertson, star of one of the most watched cable TV shows ever, Duck Dynasty
Last Thursday morning, over 1,000 people gathered for the 40th Annual CBMC St. Cloud Area Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast and 1,500 attended an evening event, “Story Time with Si”.
CBMC men Mike McCarty, Scott Adams, Dave Jongeward and many others over the past 4 decades have been used by The Lord to plan these annual events that have shared the gospel of Christ with thousands of people.
For 2018, Matt Foster accepted the torch from Mike leading the planning. Early on, Matt and this team had a vision to sell out the St. Cloud Convention center. Through lots of prayer and God orchestrating circumstances, Uncle Si Robertson and his best friend Phillip McMillan provided the keynote message at this event emceed by Jerrid Sebesta.
Throughout the 10 months of planning, on Thursday during the events and Friday visiting over breakfast with Si and Phillip before Amy Legatt drove our bearded duck hunting friends to the airport, I have always felt a strong sense of selflessness or love for others by everyone involved.
…not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.~Philippians 2:4
Between the Thursday morning and Thursday evening events, a few of us had the blessing of enjoying shore lunch, fishing and endless stories from Si, by the campfire along the icy Mississippi at the Blanchard Dam.
As Si and others waded into the river trying to entice fish that weren’t hungry, I had a long visit with Si’s sidekick:
“Phillip, millions have watched Duck Dynasty over past several years and have seen one side of the Robertson’s. When the cameras are off, what is the Robertson family like?”
With a warm grin through his thick blond beard, he quickly replied with a down south twang to his voice, “I’ve had the blessing of knowing the Robertson’s since I was a kid- I went to school with Willie and Jace. Whether it’s amongst the family themselves, within their West Monroe Louisiana community, or traveling to ministry events and helping raise money for non profits, around the country, this family very much cares for and loves others. They are very thankful and transparent with others about how God has used their family and business to draw people to himself”.
Thanksgiving Day kicks off a 6 week holiday season giving us many opportunities to "praise God’s name with thanksgiving"~ Psalms 69:30 and be the aroma of Christ by genuinely loving/caring for the people God brings into our lives (Marketplace Ambassador Attribute #9).
I am thankful to have a front row seat with CBMC as men are developing and growing as ambassadors for Christ and spiritual reproducers.
What are you most thankful for?
I pray that you take advantage of opportunities to share whatever that is with others that God brings into your path.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Alan Smith CBMC Northland Area Staff