In a moment I’m going to ask for your help please. How you can help won’t take much of your time but could be the best use of your time in your entire life. It’s easy because it has to do with Christian men you know that are business Owners, Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Chief level executives that could be interested in learning about CBMC. In my morning prayer and Bible reading today I came across Paul’s words of encouragement as he wrote his letter to the Christians in Thessalonica: Together...we will be with the Lord forever.~1 Thessalonians 4:17 As we hit the ground running into a shiny brand-new year, I’d like to encourage you, that God has much bigger plans in how He wants to use you, and us together, then anything you could imagine.
Together, as we enter into CBMC Northland’s 80th year, my mind shifts toward our Vision 220 expansion. Since our first days back in 1939, these 2 common threads have been woven into God’s success through this ministry:
Relationships: One of the greatest value components for men that have been together with CBMC, has been the Holy Spirit led love and support that business men provide each other- both in small groups and individually as men disciple and mentor others helping them grow in their walk with Jesus. Belief: In Genesis 15:6 we are encouraged by the promise that “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness”. Similarly, our CBMC men have always believed that trying to walk with Jesus 8-5 Monday-Friday has always been easier and produced more fruit when we do it together, with other guys that have similar issues they are faced with as business men, husbands, fathers, and community leaders. That belief has led them to getting connected to CBMC small groups. Here is where I’m asking for you to help please and it’s critical to our success. Plans are underway to conduct our first expansion into new communities around the Northland Minnesota, Western Wisconsin and North Dakota CBMC region. Kicking things off are startup meetings for new Trusted Advisor Forums January 21 through the 26th in the North Dakota cities of Grand Forks, Minot, Williston, Dickinson, Bismarck, and Jamestown. Shortly after will be kickoff meetings in Owatonna, Mankato, and New Ulm. Wisconsin and central/northern Minnesota plans are in development. Our team has created a quick and easy to use tool that enables you to refer/add names of Christian men that are business leaders. I encourage you to please take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with this tool and please think through your connections and then start adding names to the list. As you look at the map and the cities, pray that God raises up key future CBMC leaders in each of those communities. With the upcoming meetings in January, it’s especially time sensitive that we connect with men in the North Dakota cities mentioned. It’s been said that the average business person has some kind of first-hand relationship with over 700 people. One of our goals for 2019 is to have each person that is connected with CBMC Northland to refer at least 5 men using this referral tool. As this referral process takes hold, I’ll be reporting back to you the strides we’ve made in achieving that goal. To date, we've had 40 referrals for the North Dakota start up alone. We’ve come to learn over the years that over 90% of the men that get connected with CBMC small groups are a result of a connection from someone already part of the CBMC family. That is why we need you to be part of God’s plan for expansion in 2019 and beyond. It’s important work. Remember, the people that grow in their relationship with Jesus because you connected them with CBMC, Together...we will be with the Lord forever.
Click Here to see the CBMC Vision 220 referral page

Alan Smith CBMC Northland Area Staff